She within Me

People often ask me why you gays (effeminate gays) address yourselves as female? , why you address each others as 'sisters' or 'mother-daughter'? . Initially i use to think about the same and wonder what would be the reason behind it.

As i discovered myself, my feminity and i started embracing it, I thought there's a 'She' within every 'He' and vice verse just realising that and to discover that and later embracing that is left upon us.

I am feminine since my childhood as i have even mentioned in my previous write-ups, but is that the reason for me being gay is a big NO. There are many males out their who are feminine and are proud of it and embrace it with dignity.

But yes our patriarchal society thinks being feminine is degrading or is something which can be dominated by them and used as per their needs.

I was sexually abused and harassed at young age just because i was feminine and they molested my feminity.

People make fun of me just because I'm feminine, just because i walk like cat and they walk like pigs, because my hands moved gracefully in all directions and there's only in one direction.

People in my community too do not respect effeminate gays they are just seen as wanna be trans gender or a human-idiot box to make them laugh. No films are made with an effeminate boy playing any characters, we still need to have two manly characters in a gay film. People do not respect the visible part of community or take them for granted.

I have seen people helping a female whenever someone harasses her, but none ever tries to help an effeminate guy, they'll laugh, watch but would never step ahead to help.

People who call themselves as firm believer of feminism forget that they need to respect every feminine form, and its true that a female is only a biggest enemy of female. Woman never respect effeminate guys, women's are the one who mocks us and gives reason to their boyfriend's to laugh more. 

Effeminate people are asked to behave manly in public spaces or at work spaces because being feminine would give a reason for people to laugh on us, or wouldn't get us a job.

We all effeminate gays go through same issues, mockery, rejection and that's the reason we can connect so well because we have started loving our feminity, we have discovered it, we own it and are proud of it and we are as dignified as any other woman on street. Our relationships are woven by threads of same pain and sorrow and that's the reason why we slay everywhere.

But why is that being feminine is considered funny, why being effeminate is reason to laugh, why can't people respect every form of feminity. why do they consider being feminine is degrading? .


  1. 'Woman never respect effeminate guys, women are the one who mocks us and gives reason to their boyfriends to laugh more.' I'd say mentioning NEVER is exaggeration of the mindset. Because I feel there are girls who not only respect individual's sexuality but also love to hang around with 'em. I am one among them. I being a little bold and outspoken can do whatever it takes to save a human' s modesty.
    PS :- I loved your post. You're a beautiful creation of God and it takes guts to embrace and remain content in what you have been blessed with.


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