Queer Paradise-: Maheshwari Garden


                                                                                     “Farsi Couplet:
 Agar firdaus bar roo-e zameen ast,
                                                         Hameen ast-o hameen ast-o hameen ast.

English Translation:
If there is a paradise on earth,
It is this, it is this, it is this”

― Amir Khusrau, The Writings Of Amir Khusrau:700 years after the prophet: a 13th-14th century legend of Indian-sub-continent.

Amidst all the hustle-bustle of COVID-19 what we people are missing is the fun we all use to have with our friends. Going out for dinners, movies, dates, etc all has come to an end because of the unprepared forceful vacation we are dealing with. 

One such safe queer space in Mumbai is in the town of Matunga. Maheshwari gardens I have amazing anecdotes from that place. I was 17 when I first visited that place, I had heard about it in interviews by other queer people. Till the time I was outside the gate I was nervous and skeptical to step in and when I did I realized I wasn't alone but I had so many people like me who were holding their hands, walking around, singing, mingling with each other. when they saw me and noticed my nervousness they hugged me and welcomed into their world. I spoke to so many people who were in the process of discovering themselves or have discovered themselves. That day I made many friends and finally found myself. Looking at them I felt confident and it boosted my self-esteem. Every Sunday we use to meet there and discuss our personal lives, gossips, we made fun of each other, fought with each other, stood up for each other, and enjoyed every moment of that particular Sunday. 

Each Sunday we would be eager to see our friends, discuss our lives may be a plan to go out for a party or trip which would never succeed. We were treated differently if other community members got to know we visit 'MG' they use to argue that its nothing else than a cruising spot which is true but more than a cruising spot that place became like our house. A house where we felt safe, loved but they never understood it. 

Maheshwari garden was one of the safe spaces for queer people back then. Many activist whom we know of have been there, have started their journey fro that place itself.  I have seen people coming from different cities, states, and countries just to see the local queer culture of Mumbai.  People had even asked me to stop going to 'MG' after some of my work was released but I never stopped. I couldn't boycott the place which made me be proud of my identity because of a few people and when I spoke about the same to Mr. Ashok row kavi he told me " I still go there. Who cares if they call is cheap. Our womb is never cheap  

Even if people hesitate today to go there we never do, it is not only a cruising spot but also a space where we have cried, laughed, and most importantly built relationships which we cherish. Hopefully, we all will be out of pandemic soon and we can go thee and gossip about our quarantine days!


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