Living life their way!

Hey, thanks for showering my previous blog with so much love. Your love and affection made me write my next blog which is the continuation of the same story but it talks about something which we as humans across south Asia where hijra community, culture has been judged even now. No, this post isn't a post where you would read the same old thing which they've mentioned before but it lies deep within their lives. 

I was fortunate enough to come across some kind-hearted hijras during this time, I got to learn so much about their lives and their survival issues. Their lack of self- awareness, education, employment which I could smell early too but this time it was getting real because I had stepped in their shoes.

Hijra community is Asia's old ethnic transgender community which consists of many sub-communities under it. Hijra's also known as kinnar's hold position of demigods back then but now the world has changed, lives have changed. People who ask them to get work are the same who don't give them jobs and even if they give them a chance most of the transgenders either don't make it or don't wanna get into it because of the bully they might have faced in past. People whom I knew from the hijra community were shocked to see me but they encouraged me to get out of it asap. 

During this time I observed and studied about there daily lives, how they would be prepared for all the worst situations, they would often ask me to not wait till late night as Ram Mandir station is unsafe and I experienced that too. They would run and catch trains, get into compartments do their job, and get down and get into trains again. Wait till peak hour ends, discuss fun stuff, family issues, and also small arguments which they would've. They struggled with education and awareness about the queer community, most of them couldn't explore the world outside their circle but they struggle every day to lead a life filled with happiness. 

Hijra community which survives through begging or sex work has to face the effect a lot more. Thankfully some people have supported them during bad times and have provided essentials to them to survive.


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