Stop shaming Bombay times because of your fault and misunderstanding!

And yeah if that would be the case as described by sukhnidh then Id raise my opinion and write about it there itself. People still don't know much about us and if someone is taking step forward but they Don’t know that their step can go wrong we need to guide them what can be the right way to do it. Because at end of the day discrimination faced by us can only be known to us. And even there was a guy who is also in video interview who gave the interview before us and may b he must have agreed to their initial idea and that's the reason she approached us with the same idea. And I think we as a part of stereotyped community should go against stereotypes to show what is the truth.


  1. I have read all your articles.... U r amazing.... Ur articles are so great like u r... Dont lose tht sparkle....All the best for your life... Im proud of you since the day u came out of ur cocoon... Now for u skysis tht limit...actually no limit for u.... Fly high keeping ur families, friends in heart forever.... Takecare


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