You get an erection, you can still marry!

Previously marriage used to be a platform where two individuals would explore each other still loving and sharing lives. Agreed, it has its pros and cons but we have been spoon fed since ages that marriage is just an agreement to live under a roof, give birth to humans and love happens later. It is wrong! Marriage is a beautiful thing where two souls meet and know each other, start accepting each other with all their flaws. Now marriage for people only means to warm the sheets and reproduce. I have always dreamt about getting married to someone i like but its not the same with everyone from my community. Some people marry to destroy their lives to keep whole society happy. Some people even say that what's wrong with marrying a girl, you get an erection that's enough to reproduce kids and hand it over, the list hence goes on. Scenarios might be different for different people. People get married and then they don't even realise that every human being has his o...