Straights were'nt 'Straight', but called me 'Gay'.

I had a brief encounter with the operation theatre and it took me a bit time to recover from the trauma.

In 7th grade i made a new friend who was like me. That phase was one of the best phases in my life, i suddenly started talking to everyone; though people taunted me, teachers made faces but i never stopped. For me interacting with someone who is like me made me not to feel low about myself. I never stopped dancing, constant dose of mockery along with some really mean taunts where always lashed out on me by my parents and society. Once a man told my dad " Tumcha mulga choreographer bannar pudhe", made such an impact on him that he still hates it. I wanted to participate in inter-school dance competition and in crowd of 60 kids i gave my name as a participant; but that poor teacher questioned my dancing abilities making the fellow classmates roar with laughter.

8th grade was pretty much better compared to the previous year and that's when i left singing and i started writing, it was then that i discovered my writing skils. I use to write poetry and was vocal about social issues along with an active sexual life with the so called 'straights' for world who would toy with boys and their emotions just because they were feminine. All they knew was just mocking, grabbing them and declaring about it to the others; So that they could fulfill their sexual desires which their girlfriends failed to fulfil. I got trapped in it, my hormones had just started pumping in my body and these guys touched me and I couldn't control my testosterone in starting years of puberty. But those experiences lacked mental connection, it was just physical bond so it's not wrong to blame those 'straight's' for it; but they should be blamed for making use of me as a tissue and then stamping me for being 'gay'.  I doubt them on being 'Straight'.


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