Work links

These are my work links!
You can see more of my work on Instagram-: @girlwith_a_beard
Facebook-: Swapnil Alizeh

This is dedicated to all my trans-brothers ✌❤

This is my first visual poetry, I'm so proud to write this beautiful story which is so close to my heart and shower light on  identity, sexuality and being proud and embracing the past of One's life.  Because you're what you're today because of your past struggles.  Do watch this video. Listen the poetry,  read it and comment your views and please like and share if you relate to it. ❤

"We don't need your sympathy, we just need equal opportunity"
Do watch this and don't forget to like and comment.

This video will be very special to me, considering that I've shift back to the same Chawl where I use to stay 7years ago, when I use to walk in lanes and hear giggles because Im effeminate and today walking in the same lane with having a camera following me. Things didn't change much but life has changed so much. ❤️

The man who loves to wear sarees teaches how to drape a saree. But is this Marathi poem really about saree?

Since last 2 years I had been sporting my long hair look and trust me I hated the idea of going bald ever since I was a child. But this year things changed I desperately wanted to sport a new look,  see a new me and after thinking a lot I decided to go bald! And I planned to showcase my new look in #bezubaan show! 
This show will always be close to my heart,  my new look, new spirit and some more time of looking into mirror. ❤

I was wearing a beautiful costume by Aditya panchal.

Makeup by Yohaan

Styled by Vinay Nirmala.

My first baby will always be very special to me. All the struggles which went into making this film is literally unimaginable. All thanks to Pooja my camera man who was there all the time. ❤ This is my 1st ever directed silent short film. ❤
And all the amazing people who agreed to work and best part of working with them was they were as raw as I was.😍

Efemminate and Gay can literally be a worst life one ever has! 💔
My first open-mic performance deals with my experience of being an effeminatee person, life around me and how did i accept myself to again feel unaccepted is conveyed in this video through my poetry. i I thank OneNest and Gurpreet to give me this wonderful opportunity. I hope you guys will watch the video share some love! Don't forget to like and comment❤️.

My first performance at kashish Mumbai queer film festival. South Aida's biggest queer film festival.

My second performance at kashish Miqff


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