Trans phobia isn't a khoobiyaan

My dad once happened to see one of my friend and asked me whether he is a hijra, i replied with a NO and told him it is his choice to live and express the way he wants. Later on he went on ranting that Hijra's do sex work, its not good for one to roam with them and i on the other hand went on clearing all his misconception but my quinquagenarian dad was adamant on his facts and didn't bother listening to me.

I was initially scared and terrified of the Hijra’s but after a while i got along with most of them, and to discover more about them i had to learn how to speak like them. I have been into their daily chores and i know that their life isn't any less than an actor's shift. 4 am - 7 am is their morning begging time.
Some people wake up by 10 and start begging on respected stations allotted to them by their Guru's.
Some people go for begging in slums and some to the traditional badhaai ceremony from where they earn. Most of them opt for Sex work in the night near loo's or shady place and often get thrashed by authorities. It is a daily routine and still we can find them applying the brightest of lipstick shade and clapping in merry, its their spirit to live, to struggle, to feel like a girl which they can never be.

Castration is common process in the Hijra community and they have to go through that painful journey to be something which they feel they are from within. It is wrong to mock them. I have seen some of them touching others at inappropriate places, but had you given them education and job they wouldn't be molesting a man in public to earn money and later get bullied for it. They have been through a lot of struggle, rejection, ignorance and the only thing that gets them recognition is their 'Taali'. Rather than taking it in a wrong way i feel it is their way of rejoicing  for the almighty has blessed them with the best of both and they clap around celebrating it.

The only key to freedom from begging and sex work of trans genders is by giving them proper education, raising LGBT awareness in the schools and giving them respectful and dignified jobs to earn and achieve their living.

And those who still feel the same then lemme tell you 
            Trans-phobia  isn't a Khoobiyaan ( something to flaunt).


  1. You are really a star .. shining and brightening star ..u help many of those ..and it is a hard task to be with them ...but I respect your work

  2. Proud of u Darling.......😘😘


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