Its true that no one will love you more than yourself, i didn't love myself and for a fact i was this oil skinned wearing big framed glasse and disastrous clothes kind of boy; But i really thank people who taunted me so much that because of them i explored myself in streets of fashion and that's also the time when i realised that my gender identity to be 'ANDROGYNYOUS'.

It wasn't easy to love myself i had to struggle a lot, hear a lot and face a lot to love myself.
I am still pampered by my dad and he used to shop for me earlier but after i met my friend about whom i wrote in previous blog i never went on shopping spree with my dad. We used to go to shop together and being a anti social, ambivert and publicly embarrassed person i never interacted with shopkeepers because of their lingo, it was tough for me i was constantly scared that if i behave feminine they would stare at me and would make fun of me.

Once we went for shopping at bandra, after shopping for a while i went to the shoe store and was trying out some shoes that friend of mine was on a call and he saw me selecting a shoe which he disliked making him say “agar shaqal acchi nahi hai to joote toh acche le”, i left the store in a fury making my way back home to never return there. 

My friend's best friend was introduced to me and when this all was narrated to her by him she laughed hard and i was made fun of by being labeled as a 'fashion disaster' a 'fashion blunder' 'dark' and much more.

A thought of helping me never occured to them; in loving myself rather than taunting. I never had their backs in understanding the real me and the concept of self-love which made me underestimate myself withdrawing me from who i am. I just hope and pray that this situation never befalls on anybody and people find true friends who act as mirrors rather then dissing them.


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