When education turns into suffocation

Education is a base from where a young kid learns basic etiquettes of life but some lessons are never taught in the school premises due to which education turns into suffocation. Every child comes with his or her set of problems which are taken into consideration but there are many problems of children’s who are LGBT and they are never considered. I still remember being called by many names and I would never speak up, I thought I was wrong, I was not like the others. At that time i used to ask myself why am I born like this, why people harass me so much. I remember an incident from my 10th grade when a group of my classmates hit me so hard that made me so hyper, I left my classroom for principal’s office. When I recited the incident to her she replied “So what? go to your class”. And that was really rude of her to say. There were girls who use to hate me, they would call me names, today when they message me on social sites saying that “we are proud of you”, I feel where was t...